About GAP

  • Grand Academic Portal (Gyan- Adhyayan- Parampara) is an initiative started by Dr. Gurudutta P. Japee and Dr. Preeti Oza to provide a supplementary and complementary element to the existing formal higher education system in India. The founders have collectively envisioned a platform to provide an innovative, free, equal, equitable, collaborative, sustainable, and all-inclusive teaching-learning-pedagogy environment to all the stakeholders of the higher education in India. GAP has its presence in more than ten states of India growing its popularity very fast in foreign countries also. Grand Academic Portal (GAP) is a network group functioning in the field of Higher education in India. It is a platform, having more than one thousand direct and indirect stakeholders who are the professors, faculty members, researchers, industry patrons, lawyers and other highly esteemed professionals from India and abroad. GAP is operational in many areas of higher education like research, consultancy, the publication of books and journals, project management, resource mobilization, faculty development and training and mentoring. There are many sub-bodies under the umbrella of GAP like ISAC (International Society for Applied Commerce) which are catering to these individual verticals.


    Our Vision:
    Grand Academic Portal( Gyan-Adhyayan- Parampara)is committed to providing a transformative impact on the current Higher Education system in India and abroad through continual innovation in academics.


    Our Mission:

    -  To create a holistic and transformative platform for the teaching community and explore their academic pursuits.

    -  To cultivate a strong and united academic fraternity and make a pool of world-class talent.

    -  To instill, attract and retain diverse fraternity who can create a collaborative environment open to free exchange of ideas, research, entrepreneurship in their full potential 

    -  To make a positive value addition to the society – regionally, nationally and globally by engaging partners outside the limiting boundaries of the campus